If your home was built before the 1990s, there’s a good chance that there could be asbestos lurking somewhere in it. Nearly all building materials used between 1930 and 1990 contained asbestos. If you plan to do renovations, identifying and removing asbestos is a hazardous and meticulous process, but absolutely necessary for the health of your family. If you suspect that there is asbestos in your house, you need to contact a professional before doing any work in areas that may contain asbestos. One of our inspectors will do a free inspection and take samples for testing if required. If asbestos is present, we can remove it safely and effectively.
What Is Asbestos?
Airborne asbestos fibers cannot be seen visually. Asbestos is a silicate mineral composed of thin, fibre-like crystals. Because of its strength and fire-retardant properties, it was widely used in construction materials and textiles. However, it was eventually discovered to be highly toxic, leading to cancer and chronic inflammation and scarring, a condition known as asbestosis which is caused by the fibres being inhaled and becoming trapped in the lungs. Since then, many steps have been taken to remove it from buildings.
What to Do If Your Home Has Asbestos
Asbestos is often found during renovations. Before starting projects that may disturb asbestos containing materials such as insulation, drywall, flooring and others, contact one of our certified professional to perform asbestos testing. They’ll take samples of any suspect material to a lab for analysis. If it turns out that asbestos is present, they will provide a written report and a no obligation quote for removal, if necessary.
Here’s What to Do If Asbestos Is Present:
Don’t touch it. Over time, asbestos becomes very brittle and volatile. Merely touching it can release dangerous particles into the air. Asbestos fibers are too small to see with the naked eye.
Find an asbestos abatement company. There are strict laws about asbestos removal and how it must be performed. Find a trusted company that uses environmentally sound methods and follows federal and provincial regulations. The company will use the report from the inspection for guidance. Make sure that the company you use is properly covered for liability and environmental work and has a long history of effectively removing this dangerous contaminant.
Have it removed. During removal, no people or pets will be allowed on site. The affected area of the house will be sectioned off with plastic and all vents and ducts will be sealed to prevent airborne particles from spreading. Those working will be wearing protective clothing and breathing gear.
Get it cleaned up. All items that were used in the process will be removed from the premises. The rooms will be cleaned with a high quality HEPA vacuum to ensure no asbestos particles remain in the home. All asbestos waste will be disposed of in a certified landfill designated for that purpose.
Have your air tested. A third-party consultant may be required to do a final assessment of the air quality of the house or building to ensure it’s safe for occupancy. If the test is clear, you’ll receive a document attesting to it.
Air Quality Experts in the Winnipeg Area
If you think your home might have asbestos, Breathe Easy Eco Solutions can help. Contact us today to schedule an inspection or to learn more about our services.